I don't have time to be crafting every night - I need to
have my entire evening free if I want to sit down and really concentrate on
something. So although I may get an hour here and there of relaxation, this
really isn't time enough for me to start up a new piece of work.
It is, however, time enough to write a blog post. And I have
lots and lots of previous items that I want to share here, so I will dot these
about amongst my 'real time' projects. Tonight, I am leaving the house in
approximately 10 minutes for a 'games night' at a neighbours. Therefore, I give
you my felt pony! I used to craft with felt when I was much, much younger
(another story, another blog post, another day) but this was how I restarted my
love affair with felt, and was essentially my first attempt at a truly 3D
piece, around a year and a half ago now.
I had a terribly hard time getting the mane and tail in! How
I actually did do it isn't a secret I am ready to reveal - as although my
methods are much improved since this first attempt, it is still pretty crude
and I need to perfect it before I can make a tutorial on this little beauty.
I wish I had more of this felt. It is laced with blue and
purple ribbon and is gorgeous. I have had it for more years than I can remember
and therefore have no idea where it might have originally come from.
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