
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The stuff of dreams...

Its been a while since I posted anything, but please don't think I have been idle! I have been working on a pincushion on and off for the past couple of weeks - it is taking me a while as I have made two prototypes so far and I'm still refining it (yes it is quite a complicated pincushion!).

On top of this, crafting has had to take a back seat during my spare time this last week because of an unexpected turn in my life. Well I say 'unexpected' which is not entirely the case, as I known for a while that the fate of my employment contract was uncertain beyond May. Despite this I think I was fully expecting it to be extended, but as it happens, that isn't possible and I had been looking at other opportunities just in case. To cut what is a very long, and not at all craft-related story short - I am going to the west coast of Canada for 3 months, to help out at a sea kayaking company in return for kayaking trips!

The most exciting part of this for me is that I will be in Killer Whale country - the Johnstone Straight. I think it is amazing how whales and dolphins have some kind of special hold over many people, who would fight to protect them having never even seen one in the flesh and I count myself amongst one of these people. To see them wild and free will be nothing short of a dream come true for me.

It is obvious therefore, why these creatures hold pride of place in the banner at the top of my blog. I made this mother and baby due back in winter 2010 and they are one of only a few items that I have made and kept for myself.

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