
Thursday, 11 April 2013

Just another....

...Job! I'm taking a bit of a break from crafts today for this post. After all, crafting is only what I do in my spare time! The rest of the time I have to submit to the world of work. And trust me, I am no stranger to that the tender age of 24 (and only just 24 I might add), my new role that I started this week is my 8th paid position. Not counting of course a wealth of unpaid and voluntary roles that I have also undertaken between employment.

Sometimes I wonder if this makes it look like I jump from place to place, job to job and never settle! This may be partly true - after all I really have no solid plans for my career path from here so I will just take each opportunity as it arises. But many of my jobs have been part time or holiday jobs along side school and university and have given me valuable experience in customer care and a general insight into the world of employment.

My very first job, at only 13, lasted just two weekends. I cleaned cat pens at a cattery and at this time I had never had any experience with cats. I was very much a dog person. Because I was unsure how to handle them, I got bitten and scratched and refused to go back again! On top of this I swore never to work with cats, and probably animals ever again.

Come 16 though, this all faded away with a part time job at a farm park which completely changed my mind back again to wanting to work with animals. And I finally got over my feline fears and fell totally in love with cats after I graduated and took a job which involved training and handling them on a daily basis.

That is just a snapshot into my world of work! What was your very first job? Thanks for visiting :)

(A view of the Johnstone Strait, Canada, during one of my unpaid work stints!)


  1. my first job was picking strawberries at a little farm near my home. I was 12. I think I started babysitting that year also.

  2. My first job was working in a shoe shop as a Saturday girl (in the UK). I'm a big cat person so would have been happy in your cattery job!
