Ok, so I promise I will get back to posting about crafts tomorrow. Promise.
But today I wanted to talk about what I do to relax when I'm not crafting! Well, mostly I browse Facebook, Pinterest and the web. Whilst watching TV series such as 24 on Lovefilm (that's the current one, the previous one was Greys Anatomy).
Tonight, I decided to paint my nails. (This will be yesterday night by the time you read this as I write most of my posts the night before). I rarely, if ever paint my nails. I'm not sure what made me feel the need to do so tonight. I think the prospect of a weekend of no plans made me feel like poorly painted nails would offend no one but myself, so why not have a little fun with some colours!?
The following is why not.
Having tried one colour and rejected it, I moved onto the next - a lovely deep purple. But when I unscrewed the lid, part of it got stuck in the pot. Upon attempting to pry this part out (it was pretty glued in place with semi-dried polish), it proceeded to ping out, flipping over several times as it flew through the air, and splattered deep purple nail polish all over me, my laptop, bed and wall.
Much nail polish remover later and I think I am possibly a little high (finding the whole situation rather amusing) and I have reduced the splatters on the wall to smudges. Well, I guess they needed christening as they were painted just hours before I moved in to the room last weekend.......!! And the smell of remover has nicely masked the horrible drain smell in my ensuite bathroom (but that's another story involving copious amounts of vinegar and baking soda).
So my relaxing evening turned out to be not so relaxing after all! And possibly cost me some of my deposit on the room in the process...
But oh well, such is life! What do you do to relax? Thanks for visiting :)